Recommended 1920 x 1080 or more screen resolution. Look for paradox/hoi3/blackice/gfx/maps and unzip the cache there. The map cache needs to be unzipped in the user/ documents part of the game files. You might also need the 7.03 map cache if you are having issues with building the quads when you start the mod first time. It should install a Black ICE folder in TFH/mods. Black Ice PDF Printer Driver is the fastest high-volume conversion utility, while still keeping an easy-to-use human interface for simple PDF conversion. Place the installer in the main HOI3 directory and run. Black Ice PDF Printer Driver gives users and developers flexible options to convert, save, email, print, archive, or merge documents.

The mod won't run without the altered exe. Make sure you are able to download POdcat's TFH exe from the paradox tech support forum ( you will need to register TFH expansion on their forum). Old BICE files will cause conflict issues.

Also remove the Black ICE launcher from the main HOI3 directory. Black ICE adds hundreds of events, 80+ unique techs, 70+ unique units, and numerous bug fixes for Hearts of Iron 3: Their Finest Hour.Remove all previous Black ICE folders/ files - this is best done by navigating to TFH/mods and deleting the entire Black ICE folder.